

Getting a glow

Because this is my last column for the year, I decided to make it a little different. This is going to be more of an advice column and I’m just going to advise you to do things a little differently this summer so you can really glow up. Summer time […]


Social media’s unintended consequences

Social Media has been a growing industry for the past decade. In fact, the percentage of adults using social networking has tripled since 2006. Younger adults, between the ages of 18 and 29, are the most likely to use social media. Surveys show about 90 percent of that group are […]


Goodbyes get tougher with the years

Another school year is nearly in the books, and what a year it has been. I can’t believe that I’m going to be a senior in just a few months. But until then, I have a lot to accomplish. Last-minute assignments and exams are draining me, but thankfully there are […]


From player to coach, Jackson makes impact

As a basketball player at the University of Detroit Mercy, I was elated when the athletic director welcomed Jermaine “J.J.” Jackson to the coaching staff in 2015.  The following words, spoken by coach Jackson, can be heard many times at practice: “There are only a few select outstanding individuals that […]


Confessions of a ‘side-chick’

I was a side-chick, too. Yes, believe it or not, I, Akilea McKay, the baddest chick at UDM, was a side-chick. If you read my article elsewhere in this issue, this will make sense. But if you haven’t yet, then go back, read that bad boy and then read my […]


Blues aside, small classes are ‘great’

Around this time of year, it’s easy to get sucked into the I-hate-school frame of mind.  With midterms around the corner, winter still in full blast and what seems like a forever amount of time until April 30, a lot of students, including myself, are dealing with some mid-semester blues. […]


Flint native understands sense of betrayal

I am from Flint, Michigan. Flint families, not just mine, are suffering from the water tragedy there because it affects their day-to-day lives.  The household that I grew up in and where my family still resides has been impacted by this water crisis. My mother has to boil water to […]


Friends can surface when you least expect

Many people come into situations not knowing what to expect.  For myself, I thought classes at the University of Detroit Mercy would be easy and the basketball plays would be easy to learn. I thought that since UDM is such a small school and a mid-major basketball program in comparison […]