

President Obama will be missed

Since January of this year I had already started mourning the last day of President Barack Obama’s final term as the President of the United States, Jan. 20, 2017. Honestly, these past eight years has phenomenally enhanced my self-esteem as an American citizen. In 2008, we broke a racial barrier […]


Trump’s treatment of women shameful

It’s hard for me not to cringe every time I hear about someone supporting Donald Trump.  I think about all of the racist, sexist, homophobic and just straight-up rude comments he makes and wonder how anyone can get behind this guy. It’s especially hard for me to comprehend why any […]


Ten tips for dating

I went out on a spur-of-the-moment date last weekend, and wanted to share some details with all of you. Not about the guy himself; for the purposes of this column, he isn’t important. But the lessons I learned with him, and some of my other dates, are. Friends have said […]


A VN editor’s favorite movies

One of my favorite after school activities is watching movies.  From comedies, to dramas, to animated films, nothing makes me feel better than to flip on one of my all time favorite movies.  So in case you’re bored this weekend or anytime: in no specific order, these are some of […]


Senior year brings renewed focus

As classes begin again and I come back to campus as a senior, I have one thought: Where did the time go? I remember still being that scared little freshman that barely spoke up in class. Now, I can’t stop talking.   It's crazy to think how much you grow […]


Trump supporter disrupts shopping trip

Last month I was shopping at a local store not too far from where I live when a self-proclaimed Donald Trump supporter felt the need to tell me about the Republican nominee.   He and his girlfriend were white. He wore an Army-green shirt with “USA” across it. She was […]


‘Most Improved’ not an MVP consolation

To win the Most Improved Award is a very big deal in my life. It shows that people acknowledge the hard work and effort that I’ve put into practices and games with the men’s basketball team. I do work hard. I work out daily by myself and even train with […]


Not as planned; better

Thanks for the ride. Things rarely go as planned. I was never supposed to be an undergrad for five years. I was supposed to be a history teacher by now instead of writing my last column for The VN the morning we lay out the paper. (I sprained my wrist, […]