

Dreams delayed: She hopes to be here some day

Driving down Fairfield, Leya Bobbitt passes Detroit Mercy every morning on her way to work. Growing up right off Puritan, Bobbitt remembers walking to Detroit Mercy every year for Safety Street when she was a kid. Even as a youngster, Bobbitt knew Detroit Mercy was in her future. But almost […]


After 31 years, research librarian is retiring

After more than 31 years as a research librarian working on the first floor of the McNichols campus library, Sue Homant has retired. On her last day, she still placed the students’ chairs back under the tables. In a daze, she paused to recall all the changes that have occurred […]


Order unsettles Muslim students

Muslim students attending a unity vigil at Detroit Mercy last week expressed disappointment over President Trump’s executive order barring refugees and suspending travel from seven mostly Muslim countries. Chemistry major Zeinab Bazzi, a junior, said that even though her homeland is not on the list she is afraid to travel […]


‘It is going to get worse,’ refugee activist says

The refugee situation in America – and Detroit – is going to get worse, Catholic Sister Nina Rodriquez told a Detroit Mercy audience at a “Refugees Among Us” panel discussion hosted last week by CLASA, the Carney Latin American Solidarity Archive. “Brother and sisters, we just want you to know […]


Fun, prizes on tap for Day of Giving

A Day of Giving will take place on Tuesday, Feb. 21, in the library on McNichols Campus. Hosted by the Student Alumni Association, it will run from 12:30 to 3 p.m. and feature activities and prizes. The event aims to promote the importance of alumni engagement and the roles that […]



At one time or another, many of us have felt unsure about what career awaits us after graduation. The Career Education Center in Reno Hall aims to help students with this matter – and others. “We provide a full spectrum of career development services,” said Cedric Brooks, a certified TypeFocus […]


Myth or not, Freshman 15 has worked its way into our minds

There at least 15 things that freshmen look forward to in their first year of college: Parties, sports events, independence, meeting new people, a fresh start, having roommates, decorating their rooms, unlimited food options, choosing when to have classes, freedom to skip class, dating, staying up all night, joining Greek […]