

The Titan Hookers

BY EMILY JONES / VN EDITOR-IN-CHIEF The name always gets noticed: Titan Hookers. Detroit Mercy’s new knitting and crocheting group aims to run group projects and help students who need to learn crocheting basics. The group was started by Karla Aickens, who works in the library, and Jacqui Al-Guweiri, who works […]


Donaldson, Wodwaski battle for top student post

BY GANNON PACIONI / VN NEWS EDITOR Two candidates are campaigning to succeed Ben Westphal as student body president at Detroit Mercy. Westphal announced weeks ago that he would be stepping aside. Kenneth Donaldson and Nathan Wodwaski are running for the top Student Government Association position. The election is underway now, […]


Fall Schedule has Unusual Options for Electives

By Claire Patterson / VN STAFF WRITER Filling your schedule with core classes is easy, but you still need to find time in your busy schedule for electives. Selecting one that is somewhat easy as well as fun can be tricky. If you are at a loss on what classes to […]


Students with learning disabilities advise getting help with challenges

BY CRYSTAL EDMONDS GREEN / VN STAFF WRITER Classrooms can seem perilous to students with learning disabilities. But increasing numbers of people with learning disabilities are enrolling in two- and four-year colleges and universities. Nationally, 3.3 percent of all students who head off to college each year report having a […]


Sleep may be culprit if gym, diet not showing results

BY GANNON PACIONI / VN COLUMNIST If you’ve been in a gym, worked with a fitness coach or even had an annoying fitness friend or family member, you’ve inevitably heard the quote, “It is about what you do the 23 hours outside of the gym that really is going to affect […]


NY race scholar speaks Monday

BY CRYSTAL EDMONDS / VN STAFF WRITER A nationally recognized scholar on race matters will speak Monday, Feb. 18, on the McNichols Campus as part of Black History Month. Crystal M. Fleming, an associate professor of sociology and Africana studies at SUNY-Stony Brook, will discuss her new book, “How to Be […]


On the road of honesty and openness

DAMIAN TORRES-BOTELLO (VN photo / MARISSA BARRIUSO)   BY GANNON PACIONI / VN STAFF WRITER For years before coming out to his parents, Damian Torres-Botello fretted over how he would break the news to them. “I read books on how to tell them, because in a way I knew I was […]


Speaker highlight Bioneers conference

BY ISAIAH WARREN / VN STAFF WRITER Detroit Mercy hosted the 14th annual Great Lakes Bioneers Detroit Conference Nov. 2 and 3. The conference as a whole focused on problems involving global warming, issues in the community and Disability Pride. To start of the conference on the second day, Wanda Jones […]


Solidarity vigil

It was a somber but strong message. Members of the Detroit Mercy family stood in solidarity Nov. 1 against the hate-induced violence that claimed 11 lives in an Oct. 27 massacre at a Pennsylvania synagogue. Students and staff, including university President Dr. Antoine Garibaldi (bottom photo), participated in the solemn […]