

Who’s going to win Oscars

BY JOE OSTER VN FILM CRITIC   I opened last year’s Academy Awards preview with overconfident gems such as: “Oscar night is one of the more underrated gambling nights of the year.” Or my personal favorite: “Find the quirk, bet the other favorites and that’s easy cash in your pocket.” […]


One rocking eatery

I lived on campus for the better part of four years. Over that time, I went off campus to eat way too often. Instead of just going to chain restaurants, I have often found looked for hidden gems across the city and southern Oakland County. On Monday I tried a […]


Students find Fitness Center a stress refuge

Do you need something to fill your time between classes? Looking to blow off some steam from long hours of studying? The UDM Student Fitness Center is the perfect place. For college students, managing the time needed for studying, having a social life and maintaining a desired appearance can be […]


Busy UDM weekend: Valentine’s homecoming

Love is in the air this week on the McNichols campus – and, oh yeah, it’s homecoming, too. At least that’s how it feels for some students as both Valentine’s Day and homecoming approaches. Junior Blair White isn’t even thinking about the bonfire or the game this weekend, her mind […]


The [book] end of an era

McNichols Campus Library has witnessed many changes over the years. But one of its biggest ones will come next month when Margaret Auer, dean of university libraries and instruction technology, retires. Auer has worked on the McNichols campus for more than 54 years and has served as a dean for […]


Winning Musically

Over the last few issues of The VN, I reviewed a few of my top albums of 2015. But after spending most of break thinking and debating, I have come up with my definitive list for the year.   #10: Seaway, “Still Weird” Pop punk newcomers Seaway killed it on […]


As weeks pass, new resolutions fall victim

Tis the season to abandon your New Year’s resolutions – if you even made them. Once a long time ago, it was exciting to make a new year’s resolution and set goals and fulfill them. For many, that time has come and gone. Matt Northcott, an architect sophomore, didn't make […]


How do you start your day?

What wakes you up?  As I was in the middle of my morning ritual getting ready for class, I was thinking to myself, “Is this normal?” I wasn’t doing anything weird but was wondering, “Is this how everyone starts the day or is this strange?” I asked a couple people […]