

Farewell, Sister Beth

SISTER BETH FINSTER / Photo by LO DODSON   BY EMILY JONES / VN ASSISTANT EDITOR To anyone who lives in Shiple Hall, Sister Beth Finster has been a resident grandmother of sorts. But this will be her final year on campus. At age 70, she is retiring, soon ending […]


Angst part of senior experience for those graduating

BY OLANZO PALMER / VN STAFF WRITER Just two months before graduation, seniors find their thoughts dominated by questions about the future. “Will I get a job right out of college?” “What is my next move?” It can be scary time, especially if you’re the first in your family to earn […]


Making your dorm room your own

VN photo by LO DODSON BY MIJAI LEWIS / VN STAFF WRITER At the start of college life,  most students picture how their dream dorm room will look. For sophomore Kyri Jackson, now an RA, the aim was chill vibes. “Just a relaxed environment where I can sleep and study,” she […]


Student literary journal [sic] celebrates 25 years

BY EMILY JONES / VARSITY NEWS STAFF WRITER   2018 marks a special year for Detroit Mercy’s student-run literary journal, [sic]. This year is the 25th anniversary of the annual publication, a literary mash that contains short stories, poems, drawings, photographs and more. Never limited to one genre and covering […]


Guarding the Gates

Varsity News photo / LOREAL DODSON Ophelia Joseph thougth she would feel isolated in the entrance booth, but she does not.   BY TIFFENY GRIPPER / VARSITY NEWS STAFF WRITER Before you set foot on the Detroit Mercy campus, something comes between your car and the entrance to the university: […]


Henry ‘Box’ Brown

Varsity News photo / LOREAL DODSON Artist Rory Rennick (left), performing as Henry "Box" Brown and assisted by wife Angela, involved history professor Roy Finkenbine in his performance.   BY DEEJ OSTER / VN EDITOR Magician and motivational artist Rory Rennick brought to life professor Henry “Box” Brown, a runaway slave […]


Chinese New Year celebration conjures warmth of home

VN photo / JOHNATHAN ZHU   BY TIFFENY GRIPPER / VN STAFF WRITER Chinese New Year is more than just the start of a new calendar, it is a huge holiday and a chance for families to spend time together. “It is like our Christmas,” said Yuping Yang, international student counselor […]


Paczki Day arrives Thursday on campus

BY LAUREN SHARKEY / VN STAFF WRITER Once a year, the smell of paczki donuts fills the student union and the library lobby on McNichols campus. That day – Paczki Day, Thursday, Feb. 8 – is almost here. Some people might think it is just an excuse to eat a type […]


New vaping study points to hazards

BY EMILY JONES / VN STAFF WRITER You’ve seen them on campus: the students walking around leaving huge plumes of cotton candy-flavored trails in their wake. From hipsters to that one cool professor, more Detroit Mercy folks appear to be picking up vaping more than ever. But vaping may not be […]