

International student spotlight: Iris Thioux in France

This is one in a series of stories about international Detroit Mercy students who are taking online courses and spending their semester back at home overseas. BY SARA MITRAKOVIC / VN STAFF WRITER This is Iris Thioux. She’s a French student at Detroit Mercy, currently in the last year of […]


It’s a new world for Greek organizations

Photo by Devonne Mccullough BY ALEXIS FLEMING / VN STAFF WRITER Like most other activities, Greek life has had to change plans and adapt to new ways. Some organizations are easing up this semester to focus on learning. Cherish Coleman, a senior and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, explained […]


A return home: Students deal with lifestyle changes

BY BENJAMIN BLAZEVIC / VN Staff Writer Before Covid-19 began to alter life in the U.S in March, Detroit Mercy senior Hannah Knisely was living in a condo with her brother and his girlfriend while looking for her own place with her boyfriend. “Since March, I’ve semi-moved back into my […]


Covid-19 alters dorm life, socializing

​Campus life has changed. / Photo by Devonne Mccullough BY ALY REIFF / VN Staff Writer For Detroit Mercy students, living on campus is different this semester. New rules have been adopted and are being enforced. Among other things, they require wearing a mask in all buildings except your own […]


What’s happening on campus?

The library opens weekdays at 8 a.m. / Photo by Devone Mccullough BY SARA MITRAKOVIC / VN Staff Writer Syllabus Week is past us and we are officially saying hello to September. It’s time to share some upcoming events and activities that will occur on the McNichols Campus. Go and […]


Altered lives: Freedom, privacy take hit with move home

The dorms halls are relatively empty on campus. / VN photo by SOPHIE TORCELLO   BY NOLAN KROHA / VN STAFF WRITER The coronavirus pandemic has drastically altered the lives of Detroit Mercy students, forcing all classes to be taught online. For students who haven’t taken an online class before, this […]


Some adjust easily to all online classes

More than ever, student life is taking place online given the cancellation of in-person classes. / VN photo by CLAIRE PATTERSON   BY VIRIDIANA CAMACHO / VN STAFF WRITER The coronavirus has brought the school system to its knees. Almost everyone is feeling the effects of this pandemic. Businesses are […]


1918 flu pandemic impacted campus, too

1918: American soldiers stricken with the Spanish Influenza are confined to a military medical ward in Kansas.   BY NICHOLAS CUCCHI / VN STAFF WRITER The coronavirus has significantly changed the lives of Detroit Mercy students – and most everyone across the globe – in the past couple weeks. More […]


LA trip inspires Detroit Mercy students

Detroit Mercy theatre students watch a taping of "The Late, Late Show with James Corden" while in Los Angeles.   BY KAELYN JOHNSON / VN STAFF WRITER Spring break for college students often involves going to Miami or Las Vegas to party. It can be a much-needed vacation after dealing with […]


A view from Canada: At home, crisis becomes clearer

At home in Canada, writer Anthony Occhiuto, a student-athlete at Detroit Mercy, is spending more time with his cat Vader.   BY ANTHONY OCCHIUTO / VN STAFF WRITER The coronavirus has affected us all no matter where we are from. I attend Detroit Mercy but am from Canada, near Toronto. Like most […]