
UDM futsol draws competitors

Three-by-three futsol is in full swing at the fitness center as the school year draws to a close.  It may not be as well known as basketball or volleyball, but for those who enjoy it, futsol can be competitive. It is essentially a version of soccer with quirks that make […]


These Tigers might help us forget 2015

For the Detroit Tigers, 2015 was a season to forget. The pitching was abysmal and almost unwatchable at times, while the hitting sputtered and simply was not enough to make up the gap.  Detroit star Miguel Cabrera missed nearly half the season due to injury and other injuries to Alex […]


‘Most Improved’ not an MVP consolation

To win the Most Improved Award is a very big deal in my life. It shows that people acknowledge the hard work and effort that I’ve put into practices and games with the men’s basketball team. I do work hard. I work out daily by myself and even train with […]


Not as planned; better

Thanks for the ride. Things rarely go as planned. I was never supposed to be an undergrad for five years. I was supposed to be a history teacher by now instead of writing my last column for The VN the morning we lay out the paper. (I sprained my wrist, […]


Alexander? Jackson? Dawkins? Mondro?

Having fired coach Ray McCallum and with just two days until the recruiting dead period is over, Detroit needs to move quickly to hire its new head men’s basketball coach.  Here are some potential candidates: Bacari Alexander, assistant coach Michigan. Alexander, the favorite, played and then coached under Perry Watson […]


Getting a glow

Because this is my last column for the year, I decided to make it a little different. This is going to be more of an advice column and I’m just going to advise you to do things a little differently this summer so you can really glow up. Summer time […]


Speakers share to dispel mental illness

For Mike Belotti, having a mental illness has been both the best and worst thing to happen to him. A husband and father of three, Belotti didn’t think anything was wrong with him until later in life when he began having manic episodes and ended up in a hospital one […]


Cancer benefit attracts hundred

Students at the University of Detroit Mercy have once again come together to support a great cause. This time, over 100 members of the student body and local community came together at the Fitness Center to partake in a three-on-three soccer tournament held April 4. Proceeds from the event […]