Author: thevarsitynews


Being mindful helps reduce stress of school

BY MAXINE MOORE / VN STAFF WRITER Detroit Mercy’s Wellness Center held a virtual event intended to give students tips for dealing with stress during the pandemic. Students living on campus in attendance had the luxury of getting free pizza delivered to their rooms. Detroit Mercy Wellness Center counselor Rachel […]


Titans finally defeat Oakland

Photo courtesy of Detroit Titans Sports Info BY SCOTT SPARKS / VN STAFF WRITER It’s been a long time coming. The Titans finally defeated cross-town rivals Oakland University in men’s basketball Saturday – after losing ten straight games to the Grizzlies since 2017. The Titans have not had the most […]


One view: Facing Covid-19 challenges head on

Photo by Detroit Titans Sports Info BY MAXINE MOORE / VN STAFF WRITER When I first heard that Covid-19 had reached the United States, I thought nothing of it. I assumed it would be like Ebola, part two. Everyone talked about it and even joked about it. We didn’t know […]


Avoiding mask side-effect of acne mechanica

CDC artwork BY ERIN LETOURNEAU / VN STAFF WRITER As if end-of-semester stress isn’t enough, our fight against the pandemic has caused a rise in acne due to masks: acne mechanica. The general public has been calling it Maskne. Although it isn’t new, acne mechanica has become more widespread. This […]


Bright spots: Recalling favorite courses

VN photo by Devonne Mccullough BY SARA MITRAKOVIC / VN STAFF WRITER Despite the difficult times for everyone, there is always an opportunity to think positively.  Along those lines, several Detroit Mercy students shared their favorite classes.   Pa Amat Sohna is in his fifth year of the architecture program. […]


Travel adventures: Paris, from arc to tower

BY SARA MITRAKOVIC / VN STAFF WRITER People dream of going to Paris, the famous City of Love. After being there twice, I’m still not sure about that nickname. My parents took me there when I was 3 years old. The two highlights were going to the top of the […]


Budget, wise decisions key to students’ financial success

Alliance Credit Union has a branch in the student union building. / VN file photo by Devonne Mccullough BY BENJAMIN BLAZEVIC / VN STAFF WRITER Students learned strategies on how to successfully manage and grow their personal wealth during an online, campus-sponsored Zoom call recently. “The number one key to […]


Pandemic was surreal even before it hit home

BY NOLAN KROHA / VN STAFF WRITER When the pandemic hit the United States in March 2020, life as we knew it became a surreal experience. The uncertainty of the virus caused us to huddle in our homes and stay glued to the television, waiting for news telling us that […]


Zombies mode is big selling point

BY BENJAMIN BLAZEVIC / VN STAFF WRITER It has been a year since the release of a Call of Duty game, which means it’s time for the next yearly entry, Call of Duty Black Ops: Cold War Just like the previous one, Cold War has four game modes, including the […]