Titans goalkeeper’s journey began in Australia

Chantelle Symes has been on a remarkable journey from Australia to the U.S. For the past two years, this women’s soccer goalie has embraced the challenges of competing at a prominent level while adapting to a new culture and environment. As she balances academics and athletics, her story is one of resilience, ambition and the universal spirit of sportsmanship.  

Symes has been playing soccer since she was about six years old. Growing up, she also has played rugby, netball and cricket. She has always been passionate about sports since before she could remember.  

She loved her life in Australia, as it is more lifestyle focused as she mentioned. She also shared some of her experiences while she was in high school and how it is different from being in the U.S. For example, they can go to the beach to surf on their lunch breaks while here, you don’t hear about being able to leave school in the middle of the day as much. 

Symes’ mother is from New York, and she had taken part in a foreign exchange program that was located in Australia, where she met Symes’ father. She then remained a resident in Australia. She also mentioned that she is the only one that is in her family that lives in the U.S. 

Although Symes misses her family, she loves to travel and received the opportunity to play soccer here. She is grateful for the opportunity to be a part of the soccer team. She has also mentioned how different her experiences were from her school, Southern Illinois. Her prior school was more of a small community, and here she believes it is mostly a commuter community. She significantly appreciates the city lifestyle and how there are many food options available here.  

When asked why she chose Detroit Mercy, Symes said, “I’m here to do my masters. My master’s will be in Industrial/Organization Psychology and they have a really good program here for that. We have a high rank academically. I think overall it is a good school academically. I had a great conversation with coach Steve [Shelton] about the upcoming season and what to expect. And I have a great connection with the coach, and I enjoy the city.” 

Teammate Madelyn Baucom mentioned that working with Chantelle is awesome. She has gotten to get to know her better than the other teammates because they are also roommates and are remarkably close. Shelton said that she has been doing well, adapted to her team really quickly and it has been great having her as a player.  

On Sept. 2, she picked up her first shutout win goal for the university; the team won 2-0 over Madonna. 

Speaking of her journey, Symes said, “No risk, no reward; I’m proud of myself because I have taken this opportunity, and there is a 17-hour difference from my family and I’m really close with my family.”